Information for Native Americans

Members of federally recognized tribes and Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA) shareholders are eligible for additional health coverage benefits and protections through the Marketplace.

Enrollment Flexibility

Members of federally recognized tribes and ANCSA shareholders qualify for a Special Enrollment Period which allows them to enroll in coverage at any time of year, not just during the Open Enrollment Period. Your eligibility results will also explain that members of Federally Recognized Tribes and ANCSA shareholders can change plans up to once a month.

Financial Assistance

Members of federally recognized tribes and ANCSA shareholders are not exempt from paying monthly premiums for a Marketplace plan through, but can qualify for tax credits that lower premiums.

  • Tribal members with household income between 100% and 300% of the federal poverty level can enroll in a zero cost-sharing plan (this means no deductibles, copayments, or other out-of-pocket costs).
    • Note: if a family includes both tribal members and non-members, they should enroll in separate plans to ensure tribal members can benefit from these extra savings.
  • Regardless of income, tribal members with a Marketplace plan won’t have to pay any out-of-pocket costs when accessing health services from an Indian Health Service Provider.
  • There are special provisions for the calculation of Modified Adjusted Gross Income for Native Americans, meaning that some revenue earned on reservations and from Federal Trust payments are exempt.